Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Five People You Meet In Heaven

The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom is a book that is hard to put down once you get started. The writing is so descriptive that you can picture what is happening in the story. I found myself smiling, crying, and having the feelings of the characters as if I was there.
Even though this is a fictional book, I recommend it as a feel good book. Once you read, you will wonder who the five people are that you may meet in heaven one day and their significance to you. With death being a hard topic, Mitch Albom makes it more light hearted and easier to accept in this great read!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Today Matters by John Maxwell

Today Matters by John Maxwell is a well written motivational book that helps the reader refocus on thinking about the present. His 12 daily practices seem overwhelming at first, however the self directed questions at each section allow the reader to think and process in steps about what matters to them in regard to that topic. The 12 practices include: attitude, priorities, health, family, thinking, commitment, finances, faith, relationships, generosity, values, and growth. Self discipline and motivation allow this daily dozen to encourage you through your day and provide a productive outlook on life. The end of the book gives you a worksheet to rate your dozen to know where to work harder. Mr. Maxwell suggests picking two strengths, and a weakness to focus on and then reevaluate every 60 days. This helps to make the material benefit the reader and not overwhelm. This will allow you to make the 12 a habit and thus "tomorrow will take care of itself."

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Therapy with Kids and Canines: Benefits for Children’s Developmental and Psychosocial Health

Rise VanFleet's latest Book, Therapy with Kids and Canines: Benefits for Children’s Developmental and Psychosocial Health, is easy read with great information on using canine therapists in counseling sessions. She beautifully writes about animal behavior and ways in which it can assist children with overcoming situations they are experiencing. There are great case examples provided in each section to illustrate what she has described. You find yourself visualising what the dog is doing. Every aspect of pet-assisted play is identified in a knowledgeable format that makes the reader enjoy the book. This book is highly recommended!

Monday, June 2, 2008

The 5 Love Languages

The Five Love Languages series is a great series that helps connecting and communicating within a family. The series has love language books for children, families, teens, couples, and a few more. The books teach you how to identify your own personal love language within relationships you have as well as recognize that others may have a different love language. The 5 love languages are: words of affirmation, physical touch, acts of service, receiving gifts, and quality time. By recognizing each others language of love, one is able to provide the most loving environment for those they care about and allow others to know what makes them feel the most loved. This book is highly recommended for all families!